Mice Eat What?

Did you know that mice will eat your cars wiring and hoses? We are coming up on the time of year when the mice and rodents are going to be getting hungry and cold. Our vehicles make great warm homes with plenty of food for them to eat. They can do THOUSANDS OF DOLLARSĀ  in damage before we even notice something is wrong. There are things that can be done to try and deter them from moving into your engine compartment. Cars that are driven daily are the least likely to be damaged (since they don’t have a lot of time). But not everyone drives everyday. Don’t leave actual food in your car, or near where you park. They really like dog food. So if you park in a garage, store the dog food inside your home. Mice don’t like moth balls, I don’t know why but they seem to steer clear so keep some of those around the garage. If the vehicle is stored for the winter put some under the hood. However if they are already building their dream nest, catching it early and evicting them is the best thing. Removing the nest will cause them to look for a new home. Regular inspection can be your best defense, so look under the hood or have us do it (we look every time we open the hood). However sometimes no matter how hard we try they get in and do damage. If this happens and damage is done check with your insurance company, depending on your policy the damage may be covered.

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